Affordable Housing Valuations & Appraisals

RAD Conversion low income housing

Accurate, Real-Time Valuation

Our affordable housing valuations are forward-looking, being derived from real-time market information and trends.  An appraisal serves a specific purpose as crucial step in obtaining financing.  By nature, appraisals look backward, with historic documentation.  To truly understand your investment’s performance and to make the most informed decisions about the future, look to AHIB for the best estimate of value.

HAP Section 8 low income housing

Considering Options

If a sale is even a possibility, our analysis only requires a little of your time. Let’s quantify what you have first.  Even if you prefer not to sell, but are at a key decision point with your deal (such as a debt maturity, partner buy-out, or looking for an extensive physical renovation), input from AHIB on current valuation and market conditions will provide essential knowledge to aid your decision.